
Fuck the Job Market

To my university, fuck you for delivering false promises. My degree didn't get me a fucking job in a related field. To my previous employer, fuck you for overworking me, undervaluing my work, not recognizing the shit I did for the company, and pointing the finger at me whenever shit went south. To anyone working as a recruiter, HR, or is a hiring manager, fuck every single one of you, and I hope you can choke on every rejection you give to people like me who deserve better jobs. Fuck all of you, fuck this shit, fuck me, I'm fucking done with this fucking shit of a game. I've been working my ass off to build a good career, and I have really good experience, and still I'm getting rejections from every type of job. I even talked to a couple of recruiters and they said that my resume is…

To my university, fuck you for delivering false promises. My degree didn't get me a fucking job in a related field.

To my previous employer, fuck you for overworking me, undervaluing my work, not recognizing the shit I did for the company, and pointing the finger at me whenever shit went south.

To anyone working as a recruiter, HR, or is a hiring manager, fuck every single one of you, and I hope you can choke on every rejection you give to people like me who deserve better jobs.

Fuck all of you, fuck this shit, fuck me, I'm fucking done with this fucking shit of a game.

I've been working my ass off to build a good career, and I have really good experience, and still I'm getting rejections from every type of job. I even talked to a couple of recruiters and they said that my resume is actually good. In this case, WHAT THE FUCKITY FUCK IS HAPPENING AND WHY AM I NOT GETTING HIRED?!

I'm fucking done. I fucking cry every single night because this situation is so unfair, and I know that I'd be really good at a job if I can just get fucking accepted already. I literally have -$50 on my bank account, and meanwhile we have some cold-hearted, stupid ass hiring managers and recruiters who don't do shit for people who deserve to be hired. I'm reaching a point where there's no way out of this nightmare.

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