I find it so unfair how I spend so much time on each individual job application and most employers won’t even give me the time of day, it’s sick how actual people who take time and effort out of their own day to apply to jobs get treated like a number. It makes my blood boil when my resume gets rejected immediately after being viewed, and if you’re gonna tell me that it’s something on my end, go fuck yourself because I’m going above and beyond trying to find a job, and these are shit fucking minimum wage jobs that I’m applying for, these employers are so fucking stuck up, it’s almost criminal. I hate the whole concept of working tbh, I feel so bitter about it, but I need and want money. I put on a fake good attitude and everything, I pull it off damn well but in actuality I’m full of burning hatred and anger because of how many times I get rejected and ignored.
My point is, if you’re gonna be so fucking desperate for people to work for you stop being a rotten asshole and rejecting everyone you get you judgmental freaks! Just give me the job position god damn it, I’ve been searching for way too long.
this is just exaggerated anger, it’s how I cope with my frustrations, just let me have my mental breakdown, thank you