
Fuck you, Melvin, CEO of Blowe’s.

Ooooo $850 million in employee taxed bonuses and raises during all of last year. Fuck off with that shit. Each quarter your company PROFITED nearly $2 billion. You can't even spare 1/8 of your yearly profits on your employees, the people who actually made you that money. And now, after neglecting a cost of living raise last year, you give us a paltry 1% raise??? After spending months saying “Oh wow, you guys did such a great job last year, you worked so hard. Here, have an extra 20% workload because you can handle it.” You can't give a building 1% more pay and 20% more work. You just can't. It's obvious to everyone this “raise” was so you can say “What are you upset about? We gave you a raise, now shut up about it and stop asking.” I swear the air in that meeting was so palpable I…

Ooooo $850 million in employee taxed bonuses and raises during all of last year. Fuck off with that shit. Each quarter your company PROFITED nearly $2 billion. You can't even spare 1/8 of your yearly profits on your employees, the people who actually made you that money. And now, after neglecting a cost of living raise last year, you give us a paltry 1% raise??? After spending months saying “Oh wow, you guys did such a great job last year, you worked so hard. Here, have an extra 20% workload because you can handle it.” You can't give a building 1% more pay and 20% more work. You just can't. It's obvious to everyone this “raise” was so you can say “What are you upset about? We gave you a raise, now shut up about it and stop asking.” I swear the air in that meeting was so palpable I could almost feel everyone considering walking out. But no one did, because our jobs aren't protected because of your anti-union propaganda. And no, putting up on a screen the average wage for the other four warehouses in the city and then throwing up our highest wage in order to say you're treating us better is not justification for fisting us in the ass. Inflation (i.e. corporate price- gouging) is near 10% if you count all of last year (because remember, you didn't give us raises last year either!) and I got an email from the energy company saying they're increasing my electricity costs by almost 10%. What the fuck. I swear the closer you push the envelope the closer you're getting to lots of quitting or some form of strike. Vive la révolution, motherfucker.

Fuck you Melvin, suck my dick.

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