
Fucking fake job ads are the worst

I just need to vent. Maybe it was not even a fake ad but man. So i applied for this job last week, scheduled an interview for today, got ready and everything and then they canceled the interview with no explanation an hour before, I wrote an email asking what happened, should we reschedule and an hour later got the reply that they do not accept applications for that position anymore. Except the position they said they don't accept applications was not the one I applied for. So I told them that and few minutes later the response was “Oh we don't accept it for that one either” Like WTF???

I just need to vent. Maybe it was not even a fake ad but man.

So i applied for this job last week, scheduled an interview for today, got ready and everything and then they canceled the interview with no explanation an hour before, I wrote an email asking what happened, should we reschedule and an hour later got the reply that they do not accept applications for that position anymore.

Except the position they said they don't accept applications was not the one I applied for.

So I told them that and few minutes later the response was “Oh we don't accept it for that one either”

Like WTF???

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