
Fun and games with a double-edged sword

So, my last job was incredibly toxic. The owner of the firm literally has a sex scandal in his past, and is constantly in trouble with the Law Society, just for example. But I also left because I'd been a manager through Covid, and negotiating to meet the needs of my employees while dealing with the unrealistic expectations of our employer was literally having a negative impact on my health. It culminated with my husband having to call the ambulance for me last year before I left, because I had all the symptoms of a heart attack (as they present for cis women). I was relieved to not have that kind of responsibility anymore, and this place is much better than the last. But I would also like to spend only the 20hrs a week it takes me to get shit done in my new role, and not be on…

So, my last job was incredibly toxic. The owner of the firm literally has a sex scandal in his past, and is constantly in trouble with the Law Society, just for example. But I also left because I'd been a manager through Covid, and negotiating to meet the needs of my employees while dealing with the unrealistic expectations of our employer was literally having a negative impact on my health. It culminated with my husband having to call the ambulance for me last year before I left, because I had all the symptoms of a heart attack (as they present for cis women).

I was relieved to not have that kind of responsibility anymore, and this place is much better than the last. But I would also like to spend only the 20hrs a week it takes me to get shit done in my new role, and not be on standby for other people for 40-50hrs/wk, and also not taking on the responsibilities of other people.

So this week I just sent out an e-mail, very carefully and politely requesting that someone stay in their lane (think a @loewhaley on Instagram kind of response to an unreasonable request with a deadline) and allow me to do my job (not using those words). And I'm already in trouble. That's all it took. And the worst part is that this is over a problem that wouldn't be a problem if it weren't a made up Capitalist problem. But responding the way I did is something managers–people in the kind of role I left–do all the time.

Anyway, TL;DR, sieze the means of production, and even good jobs suck under Capitalism.

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