
Funeral leave policy posted wrong? Too bad

Local municipality I work for posted a new leave policy in October giving funeral leave for grandparents. My grandfather passed last week and I go to take the three days that the posted policy allows only to be told “sorry, we posted the wrong one, you only get a day and it has to be the day of the funeral”. I send the powers that be the posted policy, only to get “yeah, sorry, it is what it is, but that's not the correct policy.” Guess it confirms my suspicions that us employees are nothing more than a number. BuT nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE…

Local municipality I work for posted a new leave policy in October giving funeral leave for grandparents. My grandfather passed last week and I go to take the three days that the posted policy allows only to be told “sorry, we posted the wrong one, you only get a day and it has to be the day of the funeral”. I send the powers that be the posted policy, only to get “yeah, sorry, it is what it is, but that's not the correct policy.”

Guess it confirms my suspicions that us employees are nothing more than a number.

BuT nObOdY wAnTs To WoRk AnYmOrE…

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