
Funny potential new Boss in the interview

So I was interviewed for a data scientist position (in Poland), a not so big company, and a biotechnology related project. First meeting went ok with the Boss, I have all necessary skills, education etc. So we planned another, technical meeting in 4 days. I connected to the link, and no one showed up in 10 minutes, so I thought that they found someone better, no regrets. Then, the next day the Boss is writing to me saying that he cannot connect this day, so could we reschedule for the next day… I replied politely that the meeting was yesterday, and now I don't have time for the meeting because of other responsibilities in my current work and private life. So the Boss after few hours wrote to me again, that he might have mixed up some emails, so what is my availability for tomorrow 🙂 I don't want to…

So I was interviewed for a data scientist position (in Poland), a not so big company, and a biotechnology related project. First meeting went ok with the Boss, I have all necessary skills, education etc. So we planned another, technical meeting in 4 days. I connected to the link, and no one showed up in 10 minutes, so I thought that they found someone better, no regrets. Then, the next day the Boss is writing to me saying that he cannot connect this day, so could we reschedule for the next day… I replied politely that the meeting was yesterday, and now I don't have time for the meeting because of other responsibilities in my current work and private life. So the Boss after few hours wrote to me again, that he might have mixed up some emails, so what is my availability for tomorrow 🙂 I don't want to work there.

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