
Gained a caffeine addiction fighting burnout

After three years of trying to be the best employee, correct issues around the company, training people outside of my department because I was the only one with knowledge on how some stuff functions, and being rewarded by having what little I valued at work taken away, I found myself completely giving up. I'm still doing what I need to do, but of course because of my can do attitude and awful management, more items were tossed onto my plate to deal with. The kicker? I'm on my third manager since I've been here because they keep quitting. Of course I've looked for another job, but my pay surprisingly has jumped a bit, unfortunately to a point where I can't find anything else that pays close to what I'm making now without needing either a degree or years of experience in fields I've never worked before. So of course I've…

After three years of trying to be the best employee, correct issues around the company, training people outside of my department because I was the only one with knowledge on how some stuff functions, and being rewarded by having what little I valued at work taken away, I found myself completely giving up. I'm still doing what I need to do, but of course because of my can do attitude and awful management, more items were tossed onto my plate to deal with. The kicker? I'm on my third manager since I've been here because they keep quitting.

Of course I've looked for another job, but my pay surprisingly has jumped a bit, unfortunately to a point where I can't find anything else that pays close to what I'm making now without needing either a degree or years of experience in fields I've never worked before. So of course I've stayed, and during the time my commute keeps getting longer because I can't afford the cost of living near work. Each year has gotten further, so now I'm at about 1 hrs 10 min commute for one way.

So how do I keep myself going? Coffee. Over the last six or so months I've been forcing myself to drink the equivalent of two to three shots of espresso at the start of my shift to ignore the exhaustion and get myself together to do my job. Surprisingly it didn't take me long to see caffeine withdraw symptoms on my days off, which has only further eroded my quality of life outside of work.

I hate this and I don't know how much longer I'm willing to keep this up. Living on the streets for a lower paying and less stressful job is starting to become something I'm seriously considering.

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