
Gas Station Employee Forced to Pay for Mistake

Recently, I had a disturbing experience at a gas station in NE Ohio. After prepaying for gas, the cashier accidentally put my gas on the wrong pump, and another driver took off without acknowledging they didn't pay for it. The employee looked frazzled, and her manager told her that “they” would have to pay for it. I assumed he meant the store until the employee walked to the back and returned with her own purse. She pulled out a crinkled $10 dollar bill and a few coins and set them on the counter. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The manager explained that it was store policy for employees to pay for their mistakes. I was shocked that a business would treat its employees this way. The employee was new, and mistakes happen, yet she was being forced to pay for the cost of running the business out of…

Recently, I had a disturbing experience at a gas station in NE Ohio. After prepaying for gas, the cashier accidentally put my gas on the wrong pump, and another driver took off without acknowledging they didn't pay for it. The employee looked frazzled, and her manager told her that “they” would have to pay for it. I assumed he meant the store until the employee walked to the back and returned with her own purse. She pulled out a crinkled $10 dollar bill and a few coins and set them on the counter.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The manager explained that it was store policy for employees to pay for their mistakes. I was shocked that a business would treat its employees this way. The employee was new, and mistakes happen, yet she was being forced to pay for the cost of running the business out of her own pocket.

After doing some research, I discovered that this is an illegal practice. No business can force its employees to pay for the cost of doing business. It is repulsive that a multi-million dollar company would look to its lowest-paid employees to make up for its mistakes.

I left the gas station feeling terrible for the employee who had to pay for the company's mistake. I can't imagine working in such an environment, and I want to do something to help. Does anyone know who I can report this to? This business needs to be held accountable for its illegal and unethical practices

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