
General disgust

My problems aren't as bad as many of you and I feel bad for all of you that have very stressful jobs. Definitely move on for something better! See, my issue is that I have next to nothing to do each day. I work in IT and my manager refuses to get involved in my career development and I'm left to literally read the news and stare at the wall for hours upon hours. When we do have discussions about expanding my role my manager just feeds me a bunch of bs and executes on nothing. My manager also does work that I could be doing and refuses to help me train and take that work over. I make really good money and this is what kills me. I want to look for another job and move on to a more fulfilling role but I'm a little apprehensive because what…

My problems aren't as bad as many of you and I feel bad for all of you that have very stressful jobs. Definitely move on for something better! See, my issue is that I have next to nothing to do each day. I work in IT and my manager refuses to get involved in my career development and I'm left to literally read the news and stare at the wall for hours upon hours. When we do have discussions about expanding my role my manager just feeds me a bunch of bs and executes on nothing. My manager also does work that I could be doing and refuses to help me train and take that work over.

I make really good money and this is what kills me. I want to look for another job and move on to a more fulfilling role but I'm a little apprehensive because what if I'm frustrated in that role as well. I really don't want to work at all due to everything being a complete shit show. My last job wasn't that much better. Again, it paid well but the work was mind numbingly monotonous. Does the perfect job exist? Probably not. We're just destined to endure one form of torment or another so we can continue to pay bills, maybe have a little bit of fun and do it all over again every Monday.

I wonder if I should just quit my job, sell my house, move back in with my parents and work at a gas station part time. I honestly think that would make me very happy and I could dedicate significant time on personal development.

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