
Genuine inquiries about modern lifestyle, self-fulfillment, and importance of career

Hey there! I’ve been really thinking lately about how much that I personally value having a career. I get that having a career is a very big pillar of life that can reward you with feeling grounded, successful, and/or happy but I just cant help but think of the process of going through college to one day get ahold of a job that’s fairly solid and not just any entry level or replaceable type of job, as a complete waste of time. I’m not against college but the fact that my father entirely paid his way through college working part time mopping floors was a completely normal and viable option for him while now even though I’ve worked full time for years now that if I applied to college I would no doubt have to throw my entire life savings away and be in debt just for the slight chance…

Hey there! I’ve been really thinking lately about how much that I personally value having a career. I get that having a career is a very big pillar of life that can reward you with feeling grounded, successful, and/or happy but I just cant help but think of the process of going through college to one day get ahold of a job that’s fairly solid and not just any entry level or replaceable type of job, as a complete waste of time.

I’m not against college but the fact that my father entirely paid his way through college working part time mopping floors was a completely normal and viable option for him while now even though I’ve worked full time for years now that if I applied to college I would no doubt have to throw my entire life savings away and be in debt just for the slight chance to get a degree is a total joke and one which I pretty much refuse to be sad enough to attempt.

So that makes me wonder. If the financial risk for having a career is so high, what’s the point? Simply. It’s clearly not anywhere near an optimal or comfortable option so college is pretty much out of the picture for me and many others I would imagine.

Also, seeing at how risky it can be financially and mentally, traveling down that path and getting a high value job would probably not be a happy experience anyhow given that I had to throw my entire life away basically just to get it.

So I’d like to ask you guys who are opinionated on this or are maybe even in the same mindset as me. What value do you guys attribute to a career? I also have always been pretty critical of most modern work ever since I was little haha. As I briefly mentioned above, I have been working for a while now.

I’m a few years out of high school and for my age, I make alright money and have been really responsible and safe when it comes to saving and setting myself up for success as much as I can. But I’m still in a bad position. A one bedroom apartment costs $1100 a month so that’s immediately out. I can afford it but again its too great of a financial burden to make any reasonable sense to commit to.

I have these intrusive thoughts where I just commit to leaving my job and literally just spend my time rounding out my personality, making fulfilling friendships and enjoying living an actual life of quality and substance. I don’t care about money because I know I will probably be riding the line of poverty for my entire life so doesn’t it make sense to just accept that and give up the idea of having a career so that you can instead live for yourself and not actually throw your whole soul away for a company that would replace you so instantaneously at the drop of a hat.

I know this probably makes zero logical sense but I think it’s definitely where I’ve landed. Would love to hear what you guys have to say! Love ya

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