
GenX parents of GenZ kids: Don’t throw them to the wolves (if you financially can)!

Post is for GenX. We're one of the last generations who bought into this “capitalism is good have kids breed more cattle” only to wake up and realize the truth. I realize many of us GenX'ers are in a bad financial place, I respect and empathize, my ask isn't of you. I found out last night that 2 of my GenZ friends have parents that are forcing them to start working within a few days of graduating college even though the parents are financially stable. They're not charging the kids rent/food/utilities, its a fear of them becoming slackers. Those kids are on the verge of tears due to pure exhaustion and there's no need for that. They're not slackers. Let them slack (if you don't need help paying bills)! They've just spent 17+ years in school busting their ass, most likely on stupid/mindless drone homework with questionable real world value.…

Post is for GenX. We're one of the last generations who bought into this “capitalism is good have kids breed more cattle” only to wake up and realize the truth. I realize many of us GenX'ers are in a bad financial place, I respect and empathize, my ask isn't of you.

I found out last night that 2 of my GenZ friends have parents that are forcing them to start working within a few days of graduating college even though the parents are financially stable. They're not charging the kids rent/food/utilities, its a fear of them becoming slackers. Those kids are on the verge of tears due to pure exhaustion and there's no need for that.

  1. They're not slackers. Let them slack (if you don't need help paying bills)! They've just spent 17+ years in school busting their ass, most likely on stupid/mindless drone homework with questionable real world value. They need more than a few days of rest because once they get on this stupid treadmill they won't get off for actual decades.
  2. Their idea of “work” may not be your idea of “work”. THAT IS OKAY IT'S THEIR LIFE! For example my kid is graduating with a degree in biology and a minor in physiology. She's contemplating med school b/c she wants to heal people but that's a giant commitment. She realized her classes have prepped her well to be a (not sure of right word) wellness instructor. Get certified in yoga, learn how acupuncture can help, etc. We have a family friend who's a masseuse, they could both open up a small studio. That's likely not her forever path, maybe just a year or two. So. Freaking. What. If this makes her happy, makes her feel like she can leverage her degree while doing what she likes, great!

I think too many GenX'ers have forgotten the words of John Lennon:

  • “When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy.’ They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”

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