
Germany: Bullshit-Word-Bingo after explosion leaves 7 dead and 31 injured in waste incineration plant in 2021

Seven dead, life-threateningly injured, districts raining toxic soot flakes and a river polluted with toxins. One year after the catastrophe, all this does not seem to cause more than a shrug of the shoulders. Agenda-cutting – the art of removing issues from the agenda – seems to have taken full effect. In PR jargon, this is called crisis and reputation management. They talk about: “Incident water” instead of highly contaminated fire-fighting water, a “new safety culture”, a monitoring circle instead of transparent information and – the most creative new word: “nevertheless incidents”. How something like this works:

Seven dead, life-threateningly injured, districts raining toxic soot flakes and a river polluted with toxins. One year after the catastrophe, all this does not seem to cause more than a shrug of the shoulders. Agenda-cutting – the art of removing issues from the agenda – seems to have taken full effect. In PR jargon, this is called crisis and reputation management.

They talk about: “Incident water” instead of highly contaminated fire-fighting water, a “new safety culture”, a monitoring circle instead of transparent information and – the most creative new word: “nevertheless incidents”.

How something like this works:

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