
Get rid of the discount!

My story involves a large midwestern grocery chain. To save money, about a year ago, corporate forced many of their corporate staff to take pay hikes and work in the retail stores. They got rid of their IT dept and outsourced it. A couple of months ago, they noticed that a few employees were abusing their 10% discount card. There are roughly 80,000 employees, keep in mind. They couldn’t figure out how to disable those abuser’s cards, because, whoops, no IT guys who knew the system. So corporate decided to end the discount for all 80,000 employees instead. In the release video, the executive who made the announcement spoke down to the employees like she was reprimanding seventh graders. In the weeks that have followed,nearly everyone has started shopping at their competitors’ stores because their prices are lower anyway. (I personally have spent hundreds elsewhere.) Now the store is saying,…

My story involves a large midwestern grocery chain. To save money, about a year ago, corporate forced many of their corporate staff to take pay hikes and work in the retail stores. They got rid of their IT dept and outsourced it. A couple of months ago, they noticed that a few employees were abusing their 10% discount card. There are roughly 80,000 employees, keep in mind. They couldn’t figure out how to disable those abuser’s cards, because, whoops, no IT guys who knew the system. So corporate decided to end the discount for all 80,000 employees instead. In the release video, the executive who made the announcement spoke down to the employees like she was reprimanding seventh graders. In the weeks that have followed,nearly everyone has started shopping at their competitors’ stores because their prices are lower anyway. (I personally have spent hundreds elsewhere.) Now the store is saying, oh hey, we plan on giving the discount back! Gee, I wonder why.

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