
Getting gaslighted by my ex-boss

I recently quit my job at a kennel. After only working there for 1.5 months with no training or first aid, my boss started leaving me alone in charge of her entire business 3-4 days a week. I was the only employee and we had 25 dogs a day. Hours were 7:45am-12:30ish and 3:00-6:00 with the only break being 12:30 to 3:00. I got heat stroke several times during the very hot weather. After the first time, I asked for a few breaks inside which she agreed to but then kept making excuses why I couldn’t when I asked. I got heat stroke again. I also injured my leg at work and sustained injuries while breaking up a dog fight while I was alone. We didn’t take people-aggressive dogs but one came that attacked me and her, leaving her arms covered in bite wounds. She planned on leaving me anyways…

I recently quit my job at a kennel. After only working there for 1.5 months with no training or first aid, my boss started leaving me alone in charge of her entire business 3-4 days a week. I was the only employee and we had 25 dogs a day. Hours were 7:45am-12:30ish and 3:00-6:00 with the only break being 12:30 to 3:00. I got heat stroke several times during the very hot weather. After the first time, I asked for a few breaks inside which she agreed to but then kept making excuses why I couldn’t when I asked. I got heat stroke again. I also injured my leg at work and sustained injuries while breaking up a dog fight while I was alone. We didn’t take people-aggressive dogs but one came that attacked me and her, leaving her arms covered in bite wounds. She planned on leaving me anyways with this dog all day so she could go to her daughter’s birthday. I said I wasn’t comfortable so she left the dog locked up inside for the day and left. She kept overbooking and leaving me alone on the busiest days. After a few weeks of this I sent an email establishing that I was not comfortable with this. She asked for an in person meeting on my day off which I declined so she had me come in 30 mins early the next day. She dismissed all of my concerns about being left alone with sick, injured and aggressive dogs with no training. She even denied my request to know which dogs were coming and how long she would be gone for in advance. On top of that she said I was bothering her too much on her days off and I should only contact her in emergencies. Mind you she is constantly messaging me on my days off and even asked me to come in several times. After the conversation she yet again left for the day and I decided to quit only finishing off the week (4 more days). When she returned she informed me the dog that attacked us was returning tomorrow. I decided to quit without notice that night. She responded very passive aggressively and took 3 weeks to pay me my final paycheque. This was her response to my third email asking to be paid: “You quit without notice, without warning and when you knew we were booked solid and leaving me all by myself with no chance of filling the vacant position for weeks So stop sending your demanding emails Megan You are once again being very unprofessional, uncaring and inconsiderate.” I know she is being unreasonable but it’s hard not to take these comments personally.

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