
Getting laid off because it’s cheaper to pay people to do my job in India.

We were informed today that the majority of people in my position (all over North America) at the US based company I’m at will be laid off by next year, unless we are internally promoted. They are doing this because it is cheaper for the company to hire staff in India to do this work. They essentially encouraged us to to perform exceptionally well for the slim chance we may keep our job that would essentially be the same with increased responsibility, so is it really a promotion?! I don’t even know if it would pay more. This job was dishonest about the full expectations of the role during the hiring process. I work in a more specialized sector of my role and I’m not paid more, they piled on more and more expectations without paying more (while reducing our already shitty benefits) so I think what really ticked me…

We were informed today that the majority of people in my position (all over North America) at the US based company I’m at will be laid off by next year, unless we are internally promoted. They are doing this because it is cheaper for the company to hire staff in India to do this work. They essentially encouraged us to to perform exceptionally well for the slim chance we may keep our job that would essentially be the same with increased responsibility, so is it really a promotion?! I don’t even know if it would pay more.

This job was dishonest about the full expectations of the role during the hiring process. I work in a more specialized sector of my role and I’m not paid more, they piled on more and more expectations without paying more (while reducing our already shitty benefits) so I think what really ticked me off was being told this should be a motivating factor to perform exceptionally well to possibly be “chosen”, lmao. If anything, I’m experiencing significantly decreased motivation to even do my job adequately. I’m only staying to get the severance package but wow. I don’t know how to feel.

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