
Getting paid $4/hr less than coworkers

I work as a machinist in a very VERY well off and established aerospace manufacturer. I have been getting paid $4/hr less than my coworkers for pretty much the whole time. When I started I was making $25 which I accepted to get my foot in the door as it's still the highest I've been paid out of all jobs I've had. I got a raise of $2/hr after my “training” period was over I guess? There was no official probation period or anything. Anyways a year rolls by and I'm expecting a 1 year performance review and to be moved up to the level of pay others who are here are being paid. These people have had less machining expierence than me and are less productive than me. The going rate is $32/hr for machinists in the shop and just about everyone outside of new hires is making that.…

I work as a machinist in a very VERY well off and established aerospace manufacturer.

I have been getting paid $4/hr less than my coworkers for pretty much the whole time.

When I started I was making $25 which I accepted to get my foot in the door as it's still the highest I've been paid out of all jobs I've had.

I got a raise of $2/hr after my “training” period was over I guess? There was no official probation period or anything.

Anyways a year rolls by and I'm expecting a 1 year performance review and to be moved up to the level of pay others who are here are being paid.

These people have had less machining expierence than me and are less productive than me.

The going rate is $32/hr for machinists in the shop and just about everyone outside of new hires is making that. As far as I know from asking everyone received their raise to $32/hr before the 1 year mark and more like around 6 months.

I've confronted them multiple times and they always give me bullshit reasons as to why I'm not getting a raise.

I'm kind of tat the point where it just seems like they want me to quit. No raise, I got moved to night shift, then a shitty sun-thurs schedule, and I have to work my ass off twice as hard as the day shift just to be allowed to work 8 hr days because that's all I can do on nights due to me other responsibilities.

This is getting unbearable but nothing else in the area pays even what I'm getting now, and they know that.

I live in Ohio so there's no workers rights.

The benefits are nice though here too, like 3 weeks of vacation a year, health insurance is okay, and we get a $1500 Christmas bonus every year.

I feel I've more than earned my place and even deserve back pay but I know that's got a snowballs chance in hell.

What do I do. I don't really want to quit but it's just about all I can think of shy of just sitting around throttling my performance.

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