
Getting terminated because my daughter is sick

All this company did was preach how much of a family they are. You know the drill. It was pure bullshit. Two weeks before she was diagnosed with cancer they had a mandatory company wide meeting where they threaten to pull anyone off the scheduled if they didn’t attend. The entire meeting was two hours of them bragging about how much money they made the previous year (33 million). I can’t work anymore because her immune system is compromised. She needs daily shots, i had to take a classes in the hospital to learn how to administer them. Central line that has to be flushed daily another class I had to take. Along with all the other medicine I have to give her while we are in between chemo treatment. Not to mention the out patient appointments, blood transfusions. So I can’t just leave her with any babysitter. I haven’t…

All this company did was preach how much of a family they are. You know the drill. It was pure bullshit. Two weeks before she was diagnosed with cancer they had a mandatory company wide meeting where they threaten to pull anyone off the scheduled if they didn’t attend. The entire meeting was two hours of them bragging about how much money they made the previous year (33 million). I can’t work anymore because her immune system is compromised. She needs daily shots, i had to take a classes in the hospital to learn how to administer them. Central line that has to be flushed daily another class I had to take. Along with all the other medicine I have to give her while we are in between chemo treatment. Not to mention the out patient appointments, blood transfusions. So I can’t just leave her with any babysitter. I haven’t worked there long enough (7 months) to the qualify for FMLA. They said they where setting up a fundraiser weeks ago to help us financially. Today I got a call saying I have to go back to work by this week or I am resigning my position even though I never said I was. They also dangled the fundraiser over my head and said they will only do it if I go back to work. I understand they can’t stop the whole company for me and that they technically don’t owe me anything. But I just wish I could list all the meetings, all the stupid emails and signs about how much of family they are. Constantly beating the drum they are employee first How much they look out for their own. It was all bullshit.

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