
Getting to that point again…

Hello Reddit, So at the beginning of this year I finally decided I had enough of the restaurant industry so I quit serving and decided to try my hand at law. Im now a legal assistant and have been at my current firm for about four months now. Over the past two weeks, however, my direct superior has threatened my job twice. My job is pretty simple as im entry level. I’ve made some pretty minor mistakes (didn’t pick up some filing from a very specific spot and accidentally saved a few files using the wrong format). While I understand law is a very meticulous practice I would’ve more so benefitted from my superior using those moments as a “teachable” moment and not one where she actually directly threatened my position. Now I don’t feel safe in my job and want to start looking at other law firms….but im also…

Hello Reddit,

So at the beginning of this year I finally decided I had enough of the restaurant industry so I quit serving and decided to try my hand at law. Im now a legal assistant and have been at my current firm for about four months now. Over the past two weeks, however, my direct superior has threatened my job twice. My job is pretty simple as im entry level. I’ve made some pretty minor mistakes (didn’t pick up some filing from a very specific spot and accidentally saved a few files using the wrong format). While I understand law is a very meticulous practice I would’ve more so benefitted from my superior using those moments as a “teachable” moment and not one where she actually directly threatened my position. Now I don’t feel safe in my job and want to start looking at other law firms….but im also just sick and tired of working. I enjoy being busy but I am absolutely dog tired of these jobs that are populated with people who have no communication skills and interpersonal skills managing them then wondering why they’re not able to keep people.

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