
Getting to the point in my career where I just don’t care anymore…

Insurance CSR for 5 years now and it is wearing me down. 5 years of clients complaining nonstop, even after I’ve offered a solution, insulting me, threatening me, and cussing me out over things like…premium prices. 5 years of at least one colleague in the office finding new and creative ways to be obnoxious, rude, and toxic (bullying, picking on, or micromanaging.) 5 years of answering back to back phone calls of the same issues and feeling like a damn broken record. 5 years of clients being deliberately ignorant or not taking any accountability (it’s always everyone else’s fault but their own when their payment was late and their insurance cancels.) To make matters worse, I am a hardcore introvert. Interacting with people I like wears me down as it is. So you can imagine what this kind of atmosphere does. It’s EXHAUSTING! And it’s defeating me. It has taken…

Insurance CSR for 5 years now and it is wearing me down. 5 years of clients complaining nonstop, even after I’ve offered a solution, insulting me, threatening me, and cussing me out over things like…premium prices. 5 years of at least one colleague in the office finding new and creative ways to be obnoxious, rude, and toxic (bullying, picking on, or micromanaging.) 5 years of answering back to back phone calls of the same issues and feeling like a damn broken record. 5 years of clients being deliberately ignorant or not taking any accountability (it’s always everyone else’s fault but their own when their payment was late and their insurance cancels.) To make matters worse, I am a hardcore introvert. Interacting with people I like wears me down as it is. So you can imagine what this kind of atmosphere does. It’s EXHAUSTING! And it’s defeating me.

It has taken me everything to keep from yanking my hair out. To keep from losing my mind…I’ve basically resorted to not caring. Want to use me as a sounding board because your rates went up? Fine. Rant away, but I’m not giving you any feedback or response. I’ll just wait for you to get it out of your system, wish you well, and hang up. I’m not really listening to you. Want to go off on me because your adjuster isn’t honoring your claim that technically isn’t a claimable loss, and your adjuster is actually right? Go for it. Just know I have no sympathy for you if you insist on talking to me like that. Want to threaten to leave because you’re royally pissed off about things that are in no way my fault, or within my control? Fine. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

I’m tired of being insulted. I’m tired of being bullied. I’m tired of being picked on. I’m tired of being yelled at. And unfortunately, between clients and colleagues, that’s every day…

I’m just freaking tired. And I don’t care anymore.

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