
Ghosted By Subway

I had an interview with subway and thought it went great, now they’re literally ghosting me like children because I’m trying to figure out when and where I’m supposed to work. Can’t get ahold of a DM, can’t make a report, can’t get a hold of someone higher to fix this mess. They complain that “No OnE wAnTs To WoRk” and then ghost people who are basically begging to work. I often wonder if it’s because they found out I’m autistic. I just want some extra money to help my wife

I had an interview with subway and thought it went great, now they’re literally ghosting me like children because I’m trying to figure out when and where I’m supposed to work. Can’t get ahold of a DM, can’t make a report, can’t get a hold of someone higher to fix this mess. They complain that “No OnE wAnTs To WoRk” and then ghost people who are basically begging to work. I often wonder if it’s because they found out I’m autistic. I just want some extra money to help my wife

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