
Girlfriend(F19) is being denied a class bonus because of “attendance points.”

Hello all, i’m looking for some help or some kind of advice for a situation my girlfriend is in at the moment. She currently works for a corporate run chain of day-care centers, in these centers bonuses are set up by how each class (2-3 teachers each) does every quarter on a 0-100 grading scale which then determines her bonus. So now on to the situation, earlier this quarter my girlfriend had to take a few days off of work because she contracted HFMD(hand,foot,and mouth disease) from an outbreak that has recently been happening. when she originally told her supervisor about the blisters on her hands (while it was known that there was an outbreak) she tried to get her to not get checked out for it at the doctors office, as most of the teachers don’t and just continue to work while sick and contagious. now i’m not sure…

Hello all, i’m looking for some help or some kind of advice for a situation my girlfriend is in at the moment.

She currently works for a corporate run chain of day-care centers, in these centers bonuses are set up by how each class (2-3 teachers each) does every quarter on a 0-100 grading scale which then determines her bonus.

So now on to the situation, earlier this quarter my girlfriend had to take a few days off of work because she contracted HFMD(hand,foot,and mouth disease) from an outbreak that has recently been happening. when she originally told her supervisor about the blisters on her hands (while it was known that there was an outbreak) she tried to get her to not get checked out for it at the doctors office, as most of the teachers don’t and just continue to work while sick and contagious. now i’m not sure if that’s already enough of a smoking gun to have something done about this but there is more.

Well she was diagnosed with HFMD and brought in a doctors note that said she could not work 3-4 days without getting people sick, so she informed her supervisor, brought in the note, and took a few days off to recover.

now cut to a week later, she is in the assistant teacher role. Recently her lead teacher took some time off to burn vacation days(2 weeks about) so that left her as the impromptu lead teacher for the room, she did great and had 100% success in her rooms monthly and quarterly review. now normally, this would entail a $1200 bonus for the quarter and a $600 bonus for the month, but she was just informed that because she got sick from the HFMD outbreak at her job, she now has too many “attendance points”(absences, even if a doctors note is given) to get the bonus.

So my question with this whole thing is what would you do? is there any legal avenue that can be taken here? i’m in michigan if that helps, thank you all in advance!

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