
GM threatened to take my partner and I off the schedule for having stomach flu (or possibly covid)

I got sick on weds with what I THOUGHT was food poisoning. fast forward to 1pm today, my partner wakes up and makes a beeline for the bathroom to projectile vomit. I checked and they have a fever like I did. My first instinct was to call into work (three and a half hours ahead of our shifts) because now I know this is contagious. 90% of staff at our restaurant do not wear masks or wash hands, because of this all of us cooks were out with the flu one weekend 3 months ago, so now I’m extra careful with coming in sick. Well, when my GM got to the phone after 10 mins of being on hold (and hearing what I now know was him shit talking us to our coworkers) I explained the situation. He cut me off with a “so y’all won’t be in today?” and…

I got sick on weds with what I THOUGHT was food poisoning. fast forward to 1pm today, my partner wakes up and makes a beeline for the bathroom to projectile vomit. I checked and they have a fever like I did. My first instinct was to call into work (three and a half hours ahead of our shifts) because now I know this is contagious. 90% of staff at our restaurant do not wear masks or wash hands, because of this all of us cooks were out with the flu one weekend 3 months ago, so now I’m extra careful with coming in sick. Well, when my GM got to the phone after 10 mins of being on hold (and hearing what I now know was him shit talking us to our coworkers) I explained the situation. He cut me off with a “so y’all won’t be in today?” and when I said no he went on this 5 min long schpiel about how if we don’t like him just tell him, we’re holding up spots for people who actually want to come in and work, he doesn’t trust us with weekdays, and do we want him to just take us off the schedule and try to come in when we can, which I KNOW means no hours because whenever I try to work extra hours I’m told no they’re not busy enough.

For context, I’m chronically sick with what my doctors now think is Celiacs disease, and we both deal with chronic pain from a car crash we were in, and he knew this when he hired us. that’s why he only has us on for less than 16 hrs a week. He also has all 5 of us cooks scheduled on weekends on the same shifts when my partner and I used to be the only cooks he had for 8+ months, so I know the store will survive without us there. So I guess at this moment I’m pondering whether I really want to go back to a job where my boss spoke to me like that while i was literally watching my partner throw up in front of me but he lets the college student cooks call off to do homework, hang out with friends, go on last min trips, etc and doesn’t make them do 5 jobs at once (cut-table, make-table, fryer, phones and register) for min wage like he expects of us. I’ve been sick and tired of this job for a while but until today I was going to hold out until spring when an old coworker has openings available at his start-up business. Now I’m not so sure. WWYD in this situation?

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