
Going down with the Ship

I am one of the “lucky” few that has a job that meets my needs. Money wise I get paid $26 an hour and am only working 12 hr days 4 days a week. It’s not the best job but when things are running ok, not so bad. Recently it was mentioned a few higher ups have quit including the assistant plant manager. Don’t know what this means for the future but in my opinion doesn’t seem like a good sign. Would you guys ride it out if the pay is decent? Or jump ship?

I am one of the “lucky” few that has a job that meets my needs. Money wise I get paid $26 an hour and am only working 12 hr days 4 days a week. It’s not the best job but when things are running ok, not so bad. Recently it was mentioned a few higher ups have quit including the assistant plant manager. Don’t know what this means for the future but in my opinion doesn’t seem like a good sign. Would you guys ride it out if the pay is decent? Or jump ship?

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