
Good Bosses Do Exist

Just a fast story, I have been working for a marketing company for about 6 months now. They pay decent, offer benefits all that jazz. But something special about them is my manager. This last Friday I had something come up and needed to use PTO. When I texted him he said “Oh no! I hope everything is okay. Let me know if you need anything.” Coming into work today, I found out that 2 other people also called out. My department is a team of 4. Which means there was only one person there for the day, leaving us insanely short staffed. Did he say anything about that? No. He just wished me well and no animosity at all today, no attitudes, no invading questions. Just perfectly happy as always. I think it’s easy to believe that there are no good bosses when you’re on this thread. Good bosses…

Just a fast story, I have been working for a marketing company for about 6 months now. They pay decent, offer benefits all that jazz.

But something special about them is my manager.

This last Friday I had something come up and needed to use PTO. When I texted him he said

“Oh no! I hope everything is okay. Let me know if you need anything.”

Coming into work today, I found out that 2 other people also called out. My department is a team of 4. Which means there was only one person there for the day, leaving us insanely short staffed.

Did he say anything about that? No. He just wished me well and no animosity at all today, no attitudes, no invading questions. Just perfectly happy as always.

I think it’s easy to believe that there are no good bosses when you’re on this thread. Good bosses do exist, so don’t put up with your shitty bosses.

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