
Got a glowing performance review but received a raise that doesn’t even cover inflation…

I'm so upset I don't even know how to react. I received a glowing year end performance review but just got a call from my boss telling me my raise and bonus. I normally love my job but getting just under 6% when inflation in my area is 6.4%. I essentially took a 0.4% pay cut. Which yes I know it's not a huge amount but it's the principle of the thing. How can I be such a valued employee and a real asset but don't even get enough to meet inflation?! My boss had even called me before the numbers released to them telling me to expect good news because I did so well and they put in lots of good words for me to those who do the budget. It just feels like a slap in the face. And the whole conversation my boss kept going on about…

I'm so upset I don't even know how to react. I received a glowing year end performance review but just got a call from my boss telling me my raise and bonus. I normally love my job but getting just under 6% when inflation in my area is 6.4%. I essentially took a 0.4% pay cut. Which yes I know it's not a huge amount but it's the principle of the thing. How can I be such a valued employee and a real asset but don't even get enough to meet inflation?!

My boss had even called me before the numbers released to them telling me to expect good news because I did so well and they put in lots of good words for me to those who do the budget. It just feels like a slap in the face. And the whole conversation my boss kept going on about how they fought to get me this as if it was something worth being appreciative of.

Like fuck I at the very least DESERVE to get inflation covered and my bonus was a joke. I got more the past 2 years during covid lockdown but somehow now I can't get more? From a fucking billion dollar company?

But I guess that's to be expected from a company that when asked about inflation in relation to raises said “we don't chase inflation” in our townhall. But wouldn't shut up about shareholders. Fuck all these corporations.

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