
Got back at my Boss and Company

So I work at home for a title company and so did my wife. We have a cute lil baby boy and another munchkin on the way {this is important I swear} Well my wife decided to inform her boss that she was pregnant and would like to work from home. Her boss gave her the cold shoulder and we didn't hear anything about it till the next few days. When we finally get a response we get a call on her day off letting her know that that she was let go along with “blah blah blah it's not cause she is pregnant”. Somehow I managed to keep my job for another month after she was let go. I was fuming about this, but I kept my cool cause I need to support my baby and pregnant wife. Cue to today where my boss is digging into me about…

So I work at home for a title company and so did my wife. We have a cute lil baby boy and another munchkin on the way {this is important I swear} Well my wife decided to inform her boss that she was pregnant and would like to work from home. Her boss gave her the cold shoulder and we didn't hear anything about it till the next few days. When we finally get a response we get a call on her day off letting her know that that she was let go along with “blah blah blah it's not cause she is pregnant”. Somehow I managed to keep my job for another month after she was let go. I was fuming about this, but I kept my cool cause I need to support my baby and pregnant wife.

Cue to today where my boss is digging into me about doing my job wrong. Apparently I have been doing it wrong the whole time, but he waited till being there almost a year was an appropriate time to inform me of such a thing. I was shocked and respond with “this is what I was taught I wouldn't just go and do x, y, and z cause I knew nothing of this career field”. My boss argued with me about about how I was taught. His way of teaching is throw them to the wolves and they'll figure it out. I was over it so thankfully today was a busy day. Because I just looked up at the computer and said “fuck it”.

Sent an email to my boss, boss of the company, and HR that I was quitting effective immediately. Shit my computer off and about 15 mins later my boss texts my personal number to straight up call me an asshole and that I was being petty and not actually hurting the company. My only response was “you get the same notice my wife did” and blocked his number.

I didn't have a job lined up but I texted a couple of friends and I got an old job back that I start on Thursday. So if you made it all the way down here thanks for listening to me vent.

TLDR- company let my pregnant wife go without notice and while I worked there. A month later I too left without notice and royally pissed my ex boss off and fucked him over a bit.

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