
Got bamboozled by my old boss on returning to work

So, I used to work at a nice golf club, making actually very decent money. I worked with my fiance, and even two of her friends. The job is seasonally April-December. My boss, was extremely racist, sexist and angry all of the time. He hated everyone there. The guests, the employees. He was always annoyed. I was the only male staff and the rest were women. He would tell racist jokes or make remarks right behind the guests backs when they annoyed him. Or just say some incredibly sexist things all the time. I was the only male employee, and he had an issue with me for some odd reason. I could make the tiniest mistake and he would chastise me for it. Meanwhile the girls could make all the mistakes in the world and he would be like “it's okay, honey”. Then proceed to make a sexist joke either…

So, I used to work at a nice golf club, making actually very decent money. I worked with my fiance, and even two of her friends. The job is seasonally April-December.

My boss, was extremely racist, sexist and angry all of the time. He hated everyone there. The guests, the employees. He was always annoyed. I was the only male staff and the rest were women. He would tell racist jokes or make remarks right behind the guests backs when they annoyed him. Or just say some incredibly sexist things all the time.

I was the only male employee, and he had an issue with me for some odd reason. I could make the tiniest mistake and he would chastise me for it. Meanwhile the girls could make all the mistakes in the world and he would be like “it's okay, honey”. Then proceed to make a sexist joke either towards them or women in general. He made two of the female staff cry and quit, (my fiances friends) and even made my fiance upset at times. My fiance ended up deciding not to return this season.

Well, regardless of all that. The money was extremely good and I planned on returning this season. I told him that in December before I left. He agreed I should come back too. I collected unemployment until the season started. My unemployment ran out in March, and I texted him asking when I can return. He told me it was a still a bit too cold and probably next month. I wasn't happy, because my unemployment ran out so I just coasted by on savings until the season would start. It would be very doubtful any job would hire me for just a month anyways.

Well I just texted him asking when I can return, because I am now very broke. And he told me “we were very fortune on the strong applicants who applied this season, we are unfortunately going to look in a different direction for your employment”

I'm so fucking pissed. If he planned on me not returning he should have said in December, or even a month ago when I texted him. He waited to see if people would apply first to then tell me to kick rocks. I am severely in the hole and very much hurting because i was told I'd be returning at this time.

I'm probably going to leave a Google review to let everyone know the clubhouse manager is a sexiest, racist, asshole.

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