
Got blamed for a work accident by my supervisor.

Context, and bare with me 'cause english is not my first language. I need to vent. I work as a welder in a country in Europe. A month ago I suffered an injury in my left foot when a iron beam fell on it, a coworker and I were working on it when he stopped holding it without securing it first, I thought he did (because it's common sense to secure it first) and stopped holding it on my side and suddenly it fell on my foot. It wasn't very serious, thank god, only a heavy contusion and three weeks of rest. When that happened my supervisor acted nice, didn't blame anyone and helped me. A week ago I my medic gave me my release and could return to work. All was good until two days ago, when the supervisor probably had a bad or something, he ordered me to…

Context, and bare with me 'cause english is not my first language. I need to vent.

I work as a welder in a country in Europe. A month ago I suffered an injury in my left foot when a iron beam fell on it, a coworker and I were working on it when he stopped holding it without securing it first, I thought he did (because it's common sense to secure it first) and stopped holding it on my side and suddenly it fell on my foot. It wasn't very serious, thank god, only a heavy contusion and three weeks of rest. When that happened my supervisor acted nice, didn't blame anyone and helped me.

A week ago I my medic gave me my release and could return to work. All was good until two days ago, when the supervisor probably had a bad or something, he ordered me to repeat a weld that took a long ass time that was perfectly done, just because, and I did as he told me losing half the day and ending up with worse results that complicated the rest of the work (I had to measure and weld to beams in a container to place different windshields on top of them, to send them off the next day, they had to be perfectly measured or they would “fit” on top, he insisted that I had to repeat it so I did begrudgingly) and after that he ordered a coworker and me to place to big ass iron doors inside a truck's cabin in a certain position.

Let me tell you, it was uncomfortable, hard and tiring af to do it (we later found out that the supervisor gave us bad instructions that's why we were having such a hard time with a simple task), my coworker almost fell with the door on top of him, lucky I grabbed it on time or his back would be broken but the second time the door fell I wasn't that fast and fell on my foot. The same foot that was injured by the iron beam like three weeks ago. It hurt, bad. When the supervisor came to check what happened the first thing he asked was if the door suffered any damage. The damn door, and not the worker that was injured. When I told him I may need to go to the medic again he put on a bad face and told us that the door shouldn't have fallen with two people holding it. My coworker was furious, told him that those doors are too heavy to be lifted by hand and it was a miracle that we were able to fit them in the cabin at all. He didn't care, though that was an excuse and told me to go to the medic if I need to, but it wad too much of a coincidence that I injured the same foot again. I was mad as hell. And felt insulted.

You're telling me that after doing a work that shouldn't be done by hand, being pressured to do quickly and with bad instructions on top of it, it's somehow OUR fault something went wrong? Jesus Christ, people like this shouldn't be supervisors. They're stressful, victim blamers and completely ignored the well being of their workers as long as the work gets done.

And yes, I was using protective boots but I got hit precisely were there isn't any protection.

Am I being dramatic for feeling so insulted? Or frustrated with how I was treated?

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