
Got fired for standing up for myself.

Bit of background, Ive worked in a restaurant as a server for just over a year. Well we've gotten a new general manager in the last 3 months, and it hasnt been going well. We keep running lower and lower on supplies for work (having enough silverware, glassware, etc.). We're in a tourist town, and it's a holiday weekend, but for some reason we had only 3 servers schedule, yet that's the amount we run with in the winter time in the off-season. So we're expected to do the job of 5 or 6 servers with 3. We had no host, no one to expo the food from the kitchen. So not only am I double and triple seating myself, I cant get to everyone in a timely manner. It's getting worse and worse.   It's incredibly taxing to constantly be trying to play catch-up all shift, and it's getting…

Bit of background, Ive worked in a restaurant as a server for just over a year. Well we've gotten a new general manager in the last 3 months, and it hasnt been going well. We keep running lower and lower on supplies for work (having enough silverware, glassware, etc.). We're in a tourist town, and it's a holiday weekend, but for some reason we had only 3 servers schedule, yet that's the amount we run with in the winter time in the off-season. So we're expected to do the job of 5 or 6 servers with 3. We had no host, no one to expo the food from the kitchen. So not only am I double and triple seating myself, I cant get to everyone in a timely manner. It's getting worse and worse.


It's incredibly taxing to constantly be trying to play catch-up all shift, and it's getting harder and harder. Then the assistant manager claims she rolled all the silverware before she took her break (was working a double), but she left over 100 pieces of silverware to be rolled. So when she came back I said, I thought you rolled all the silver?, she says I did. So, What's this? as I point to all the silverware (over 100 pieces). I say, So were you lying, or you playing dumb?. She immediately goes to her buddy (the general manager, they both came from the same restaurant). So at the end of my shift my manager says What's going on with you? I then proceed to say a bunch of stuff I said here already. Then she asks What happened with so and so? So I proceed to tell her that she lied to me, and my manager says well… You need to not be condescending towards other employees. I said well I dont like getting lied to. Manager proceeds to give me the run around about how she's been doing things lately to help out the restaurant (which isnt true, she shows up lately almost everyday), and says again that I cant be condescending.


I told her If you want me to care about my job, you need to care about us. And if you dont like my attitude you can fire me. Walked out of the office while she was still talking, while she was saying so youre just gonna leave huh?… Yup, and I did…


30 minutes after getting home I got a text message that says, I think it's best we part ways and I can find some place that's up to my standards. So I said, Am I being fired? I did not quit. Her response was Yes because you have no respect for management. To which I replied, It's ok, you dont have any respect for the people getting their butts kicked on the floor.


Im a little bummed, but im great at my job, and I give my fucking all for the guests and my co-workers. Back to job searching, I guess.

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