
got fired from a chef manager position after three months for being 2 hours late

I'm still a little confused by this one. However it coincided with me writing out every dish on the menu and execution so I suppose they didn't need me anymore. What does get to me though is we had a cook no call no show, ruined my weekend, and they wouldn't let me fire him until a week later when he did it again, ruining that weekend too. I actually show and for anyone who cares it was slow as all hell and I managed to open the kitchen in less than 5 minutes of walking in. I had informed them I would be late as soon as I realized what had happened (new phone forgot it wasn't my old phone with a set alarm) as is the common etiquette. Sent several letters of appeal. Nothing. Best I can tell they were planning on getting rid of me as soon…

I'm still a little confused by this one. However it coincided with me writing out every dish on the menu and execution so I suppose they didn't need me anymore. What does get to me though is we had a cook no call no show, ruined my weekend, and they wouldn't let me fire him until a week later when he did it again, ruining that weekend too. I actually show and for anyone who cares it was slow as all hell and I managed to open the kitchen in less than 5 minutes of walking in. I had informed them I would be late as soon as I realized what had happened (new phone forgot it wasn't my old phone with a set alarm) as is the common etiquette. Sent several letters of appeal. Nothing. Best I can tell they were planning on getting rid of me as soon as they had my menu and I accidently gave them an opening. Never heard of management being terminated due to tardiness before.

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