
Got fired rant

Amongst other bogus reasons, my last job fired me for being out sick for 20 days, 10 of which was because I had Covid (caught from work – other 10 was for separate medical reasons). I'm a proponent of WFH which the owner was very much against, even though 90% of our work could be done remotely. So we'd all be in the office 80% of the week but we'd still use Teams for our daily meetings. Yep, you read that right. So I caught Covid from someone else using my desk while I was out one day. And because I got really sick (even though vaxed+boosted, it was horrible) that was used as a reason why I was being fired – because of my 10 days of absences. I'd avoided Covid for 3 years, and within the first few months working there I caught it. I'd probably still not…

Amongst other bogus reasons, my last job fired me for being out sick for 20 days, 10 of which was because I had Covid (caught from work – other 10 was for separate medical reasons).

I'm a proponent of WFH which the owner was very much against, even though 90% of our work could be done remotely. So we'd all be in the office 80% of the week but we'd still use Teams for our daily meetings. Yep, you read that right. So I caught Covid from someone else using my desk while I was out one day. And because I got really sick (even though vaxed+boosted, it was horrible) that was used as a reason why I was being fired – because of my 10 days of absences. I'd avoided Covid for 3 years, and within the first few months working there I caught it. I'd probably still not have gotten it if I never took that job.

Stand up for yourselves or you'll get walked all over. Money fucking sucks and it's a necessary evil but there are better opportunities out there with people who truly appreciate you for who you are and what you stand for.

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