
Got fired right before I put in my notice for a new job

Sooo I've posted here before about how I've been miserable and that my (former) manager sucks the life right out of me. I was told the day before my one year review (that was 5 months late) that I “don't need to go the extra mile” when I discovered a discrepancy in our inventory. (Like 7 items were itmes at almost $200 a piece) The F>ck?? I seriously got a bitchy comment for doing my job and making her's easier.. whatever. Next day, the review. She told me that “you need to improve.” What the hell?? But she just said the exact opposite yesterday and bitched at me for doing it. Then I got $0.50 added to my paycheck. Fast forward to now, I found a job that pays me A LOT more. (Been in the interview/hire process since before Christmas!) My stepson's Stepfather came in to my former workplace…

Sooo I've posted here before about how I've been miserable and that my (former) manager sucks the life right out of me. I was told the day before my one year review (that was 5 months late) that I “don't need to go the extra mile” when I discovered a discrepancy in our inventory. (Like 7 items were itmes at almost $200 a piece)
The F>ck??
I seriously got a bitchy comment for doing my job and making her's easier.. whatever. Next day, the review. She told me that “you need to improve.”
What the hell?? But she just said the exact opposite yesterday and bitched at me for doing it. Then I got $0.50 added to my paycheck.

Fast forward to now, I found a job that pays me A LOT more. (Been in the interview/hire process since before Christmas!)
My stepson's Stepfather came in to my former workplace and said “Heard you got hired at [insert business]” out loud! And I immediately said “ssh” (not loudly) Manager was in the next aisle. Great. A week and a half later (ending of a pay period) I get told “Hey, you're not improving.” She got some fake tears worked out and was like “Hey, so I, we, aren't seeing–” and I cut her off and said “Stop the crying. I already have the other job. You couldn't have waited???”
Her 'tears' immediately dried up.
I was going to give them THREE weeks too. And then they fired me.
(They've let go of 5 people in the last few months)

I got fucked over, I'm going over a month without a paycheck and they didn't even give me any information on the insurance I have with them… regarding a grace period, or if it is cut off effective immediately.

I'm mad. Sad. Worried.
My family and I will be OK, I know that for the long run, but things are going to be tight for a couple months if not more. New job starts in a couple weeks.
Fuck Management. Really sucks sometimes.

Also: as soon as I left that day I got a bunch of texts about how “they heard” and telling me that Manager was going around telling people that she fired me and how “it was just so hard for her” trying to get sympathy.. no one bought it but I still sent her a little message about how I felt about it.

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