
Got fired today, 3rd job in a row.

I just graduated from college, Advertising. I had two ok jobs/internships before the pandemic hit. After it did tho, my work life has been a mess. I really haven’t been able to keep down a job. I work corporate (client support) and it’s always remote. The jobs are so fucking easy and mindless, but I’m really bad at clocking in and out, taking a selfie every time I do it, keeping the GPS on my phone always on. It makes me angry. Everything makes me angry. I also am a very expressive and open person so I have a hard time keeping up the facade of a “good worker”… So I got fired today, 45 days in, because I am “don’t inspire professional confidence”. Asked about my actual work and they deflected. I left. I hate spending 9h everyday doing things for people I don’t know or care about, just…

I just graduated from college, Advertising.
I had two ok jobs/internships before the pandemic hit. After it did tho, my work life has been a mess.

I really haven’t been able to keep down a job.

I work corporate (client support) and it’s always remote. The jobs are so fucking easy and mindless, but I’m really bad at clocking in and out, taking a selfie every time I do it, keeping the GPS on my phone always on. It makes me angry. Everything makes me angry.

I also am a very expressive and open person so I have a hard time keeping up the facade of a “good worker”… So I got fired today, 45 days in, because I am “don’t inspire professional confidence”. Asked about my actual work and they deflected. I left.

I hate spending 9h everyday doing things for people I don’t know or care about, just waiting for weekends. I know this is “real life” but I don’t think I have the backbone to keep it up for 40+ years. I feel like I’ll never be able to provide for myself. I can’t shake the feeling that there’s something very wrong with me. People hate their jobs but they can keep them. I feel like a mess. I feel like I’m going to get blacklisted or something.

Being fired is so shameful… I couldn’t bring myself to tell anyone yet. I’m scared of the “WTF, AGAIN?”

Guess I am asking for encouragement and to hear from others that have been here 🙁

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