
Got fired today for telling a project manager the truth

So little insight I’m a small subcontractor and I work for several companies mostly as a specialist for getting the job done right and pleasing customers. Today I had a project manager tell me that there was a problem on a framing job (I did not frame that job) and he requested I handle the fix. I recommended he use a younger guy that needs the work to do it so he could save money and get it done and was informed that he was project manager and I was his n***** and will do as I’m told. At this point I had made my decision that this would be the last time I will talk to him so I proceeded to inform him that maybe they should hire a different framing company instead of trying to cut corners and hire the “cheapest” guys when we are building million dollar…

So little insight I’m a small subcontractor and I work for several companies mostly as a specialist for getting the job done right and pleasing customers.

Today I had a project manager tell me that there was a problem on a framing job (I did not frame that job) and he requested I handle the fix. I recommended he use a younger guy that needs the work to do it so he could save money and get it done and was informed that he was project manager and I was his n***** and will do as I’m told. At this point I had made my decision that this would be the last time I will talk to him so I proceeded to inform him that maybe they should hire a different framing company instead of trying to cut corners and hire the “cheapest” guys when we are building million dollar homes and his answer blew me away “it’s cheaper to hire this guys and make some idiot like you fix the mistakes they make”. When I said I could give him some people that cost a little more but the work is flawless he had the gaws to ask if they were white. So this project manager has been allowing shit work, using his connections to get through inspections, and then won’t hire better people unless they’re the right skin color. At that point I told him he was going to single handedly run the company into the ground or worse get someone killed when a house falls in on them. Boom fired

This is a company building entire houses and framing them as cheaply as possible (most of the time repairs take longer then the framing) this project manager has asked me to hide mistakes which I refuse, he has had me repair brand new roofs that leaked, I’ve fixed windows that didn’t function properly, entire walls out of level no problem, prefab doors don’t fit in new construction I fix it and most importantly I have had to explain to him multiple times the hazards he is causing for home owners that are paying top dollar for half assed work.

I know as a hourly sub I should do as I’m told but having a high standard when someone wants you to build/fix their home, a lifetime investment and something they will raise a family in should be common sense to do the best work if you’re going to charge them and act like you’re going to do the best work.

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