
Got In Trouble For Setting Boundaries

I am a full time hourly employee at an art venue in Chicago that often works nights and weekends. As such, i am trying to make sure that I have boundaries regarding my working hours, especially when I’m closing. As I’m sure we all know, working past your scheduled hours is wage theft and I didn’t want to get the venue in trouble. So when I was closing one night, it was apparent that I would be stuck at the venue longer than my hours due to my manager allowing patrons to stay longer than we were open. So I informed my manager of my hours and was able to leave at my scheduled time. Cut to two weeks later and my direct supervisor pulls me into her office and tells me that they didn’t like my tone (I’m also on the spectrum) when I set my boundary regarding my…

I am a full time hourly employee at an art venue in Chicago that often works nights and weekends. As such, i am trying to make sure that I have boundaries regarding my working hours, especially when I’m closing. As I’m sure we all know, working past your scheduled hours is wage theft and I didn’t want to get the venue in trouble. So when I was closing one night, it was apparent that I would be stuck at the venue longer than my hours due to my manager allowing patrons to stay longer than we were open. So I informed my manager of my hours and was able to leave at my scheduled time. Cut to two weeks later and my direct supervisor pulls me into her office and tells me that they didn’t like my tone (I’m also on the spectrum) when I set my boundary regarding my hours. I was then told that I make it obvious that I’m unhappy at my job and that I am a problem because I promote negativity at work. Just let this be another story that shows no matter how much you try to protect yourself, they will find a way to make you feel like shit. Hate it here.

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