
Got into a car accident, Boss’s first questions were about me, not the job.

Hi all, I've posted here before about a really nice job I still have. This is something that just happened yesterday that I thought I should share. ​ My bosses care more about my safety and mental health than actually coming to work. Yesterday someone ran a red light and tore the front of my car off. I messaged my boss after I had talked to the police and called my family to let them know I was ok. The first thing they asked was simply “Are you ok?” There was no talk about if my car was operational, that I needed to be at work no matter what, it was a very quick conversation about if I was ok and if I needed help. ​ The pay isn't spectacular or anything and there's no glamor in what I do, so I will be eventually quitting, but I've noticed I…

Hi all, I've posted here before about a really nice job I still have. This is something that just happened yesterday that I thought I should share.

My bosses care more about my safety and mental health than actually coming to work. Yesterday someone ran a red light and tore the front of my car off. I messaged my boss after I had talked to the police and called my family to let them know I was ok. The first thing they asked was simply “Are you ok?” There was no talk about if my car was operational, that I needed to be at work no matter what, it was a very quick conversation about if I was ok and if I needed help.

The pay isn't spectacular or anything and there's no glamor in what I do, so I will be eventually quitting, but I've noticed I give extra at work just because I'm actually treated like a human. It's not even conscious, I just did because not worrying about work while sorting out insurance and if my car is drivable or not let me not have a freakout.

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