
Got let go today *long rant I’m sorry*

Got let go today, was within my 90 probationary days (trust me I know the whole spiel) but it still sucks after no warning, no negative feedback ever and just being told how great I am. What sucks even more? It was over text and started with “hey girl” I’m waiting for the official termination letter to submit for unemployment but no response yet and I have an interview lined up tomorrow morning, just blindsided, confused and hurt. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise to find a better job with better pay and offers actual benefits.

Got let go today, was within my 90 probationary days (trust me I know the whole spiel) but it still sucks after no warning, no negative feedback ever and just being told how great I am. What sucks even more? It was over text and started with “hey girl” I’m waiting for the official termination letter to submit for unemployment but no response yet and I have an interview lined up tomorrow morning, just blindsided, confused and hurt. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise to find a better job with better pay and offers actual benefits.

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