
Got my final unjust write up

So it finally happened. I got the call Friday while in the office. HR and my manager were on this call. The stuff on the write up seemed like half nitpicky bullshit. One thing that was on there was that a coworker believes I call off more than anyone else on the team. (I used FMLA days.) It also said they think I was trying to get out of work due to calling helpdesk when certain work applications were not working. Something I was told would not be on a write up due to it being a small mistake was on there as well. I also got told my “productive” utilization was low in November and December due to not having jobs on a lot of my shifts to do. Fuck this company. I had an episode on the phone Friday and almost walked into traffic. All I got offered…

So it finally happened. I got the call Friday while in the office. HR and my manager were on this call. The stuff on the write up seemed like half nitpicky bullshit. One thing that was on there was that a coworker believes I call off more than anyone else on the team. (I used FMLA days.) It also said they think I was trying to get out of work due to calling helpdesk when certain work applications were not working. Something I was told would not be on a write up due to it being a small mistake was on there as well. I also got told my “productive” utilization was low in November and December due to not having jobs on a lot of my shifts to do. Fuck this company. I had an episode on the phone Friday and almost walked into traffic. All I got offered was the employee assistance program. Has anyone dealt with something similar?


I took FMLA last summer and since then I’ve been getting written up with unfair reasons for the most part. Some of the things I understand but others seems unfair and even unprofessional. I got a write up four days after my employer got a letter about me taking FMLA days due to my mental health. Since then I’ve been anxious every minute I’m at work almost due to being afraid of making even one tiny mistake. My workplace makes me uneasy, and I trust none of my coworkers.

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