
Got my first check today. Put in my two weeks, and walked out.

I work(ed) two jobs. Totaling 60+hrs a week, with barely enough time to be home except to go right to bed to work again. The job I quit today I had 64hrs for $956 before taxes. $747 after. I also work on hourly plus commission. I made the company $12k, $5.5k of it being on two days alone. I figured I would make at least a little bit of commission since on those days I made 2x my pre-set goal for sales. After I questioned my BS check she did the math to figure out how I could make any commission. “So if you do 2000 per shift 3 a week and 2500 1 per week you'd hit 17k. You can also claim 1 on your taxes so they don't take as much out too. If you work a 6 hour shift that Would be about 335 per hour. After…

I work(ed) two jobs. Totaling 60+hrs a week, with barely enough time to be home except to go right to bed to work again.

The job I quit today I had 64hrs for $956 before taxes. $747 after. I also work on hourly plus commission. I made the company $12k, $5.5k of it being on two days alone. I figured I would make at least a little bit of commission since on those days I made 2x my pre-set goal for sales.

After I questioned my BS check she did the math to figure out how I could make any commission.

“So if you do 2000 per shift 3 a week and 2500 1 per week you'd hit 17k. You can also claim 1 on your taxes so they don't take as much out too. If you work a 6 hour shift that
Would be about 335 per hour. After 8 pay periods your commission will go up by a percentage

18000 would be about 2.2-2.5 per shift and that would be 1035 before taxes”

So after 4 months if I make the company around $40k a month I get $100 extra on my check.


At my other job I did 40 hours. My check was $866 before taxes and I took home $644.

24 hours less for $100 less.

Psh. So yeah fuck them.

Hell I made $115 in tips at the good job off of like 5 tables. So yeah.

Gonna enjoy the sunshine. Now I have time to use the gym membership I got too!

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