
Got my job threatened for working exactly what I was scheduled for

I live in the US working for a small business in its infancy. My place of work is in the middle of “optimizing” which entails getting rid of hours available to work and trying to get away with putting as few people on the clock as possible. They overcorrected recently and on a “slow” day (its food service so there's no guarantee any single day will behave like your projection sheet says) they got rid of the second closer and left the shift lead completely solo, and got rid of the entire prep guy who takes the 8 hour shift to prep for the next morning. I was scheduled on dish. Which tends to be a pretty constant flow of work piled on top of itself. I was asked to abandon my post to do prep. (Which, do remember, they got rid of the prep guy ON PURPOSE.) And I…

I live in the US working for a small business in its infancy.
My place of work is in the middle of “optimizing” which entails getting rid of hours available to work and trying to get away with putting as few people on the clock as possible.

They overcorrected recently and on a “slow” day (its food service so there's no guarantee any single day will behave like your projection sheet says) they got rid of the second closer and left the shift lead completely solo, and got rid of the entire prep guy who takes the 8 hour shift to prep for the next morning.

I was scheduled on dish. Which tends to be a pretty constant flow of work piled on top of itself. I was asked to abandon my post to do prep. (Which, do remember, they got rid of the prep guy ON PURPOSE.) And I said no. I told the shift lead that if I get to a point where I'm confident it'll only take a couple minutes to finish up I'll break away, but I don't deserve to be punished because management fucked us over. He had to stay late to finish the work they piled on him to save on labor costs.

Cut to the next day I get called in for a surprise meeting with my upper manager who I previously thought was a pretty decent guy. In come the threats on my job. I bring up that we were entirely up shit creek without at LEAST a prep guy, if not the second closer. I got promptly shut down and told its not my job to think about that.

He threatened my job, lying straight to my face about how much work I've missed via full blown autistic meltdowns. (Where sound and light cause me physical pain and I'm crumpled on the floor in a puddle of tears) It's been exactly 3 times in the last 12 months. He lied to my face and said it was every 6 weeks since I started. He lied straight to my face about an evaluation for a raise he didn't follow up on. He lied straight to my face about the business being a “better deal than any other food joint you could go work at” when realistically its the bare fucking minimum to survive these days.

I'm endlessly frustrated by even the nice seeming shitbrained capitalists immediately turning into the devil himself to threaten your livelihood the exact instant you express dissatisfaction with being heaped with extra responsibility and stress with no compensation.

Not to mention paying me ~$2/hr more would be cheaper by an order of magnitude than keeping another person on the clock and I would bite on the extra work.

Even at what seems like a decent job, be careful. Evil capitalists can seem nice until they're threatening your job for exactly one moment of dissatisfaction.

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