
got run over on my way home, boss told me to ‘simply use other arm’

German redditor here (we have very different rules and employee protection-systems here). I had been working at a lawyer's office for about a year at that point. Always had great reviews, enjoyed the job and my coworkers really loved me. One day on my way home riding my e-scooter I literally got run over by a car, several serious bruises, a concussion and a heavily fractured right arm (I am right-handed). I called in from the hospital and explained the situation in detail to my boss. In Germany we get 6 weeks of paid time off for a fracture and my boss out of nowhere yells at me to come in anyway since I could easily use my left hand. I was stunned at that moment, like how? I can't type, write, carry heavy folders, … with my left hand?? I tell her, that this is not possible and since…

German redditor here (we have very different rules and employee protection-systems here). I had been working at a lawyer's office for about a year at that point. Always had great reviews, enjoyed the job and my coworkers really loved me.

One day on my way home riding my e-scooter I literally got run over by a car, several serious bruises, a concussion and a heavily fractured right arm (I am right-handed). I called in from the hospital and explained the situation in detail to my boss. In Germany we get 6 weeks of paid time off for a fracture and my boss out of nowhere yells at me to come in anyway since I could easily use my left hand.

I was stunned at that moment, like how? I can't type, write, carry heavy folders, … with my left hand?? I tell her, that this is not possible and since my department had 3 more coworkers I wasn't worried, that the office wouldn't be able to cover my position for a bit.

4 weeks go by and I regularly visit my doctor to check up on my situation, turns out I need surgery and a handful of appointed treatments to fully restore my arm and hand (couple of torn nerves apparently). Of course I immediately contact my office, trying to give them all the info early in order to cooperate with my team.

2 weeks after the surgery I can barely move my right arm and, against my doctor's recommendation, I decide to come in and help wherever I am physically able to. Since my right arm is in a cast from my shoulder to my fingertips I mostly take calls or work through mail with my left hand, of course slower than I used to.

After 3 days of being back I get called into my boss's office for a quick chat, I assume it to be a 'thank you for being here despite your injury'-thing but NOPE. I get sat down, told that my efficiency has gone down terribly and my work ethic is unreliable. Being asked to sign my resignation I just shut down emotionally and scribble my name down with my non-dominant hand. I wasn't allowed to say goodbye to my coworkers (and good friends) and was immediately escorted out of the building.

On my train ride home I FaceTimed my department and just watched 3 grown ass people cry over losing me. I was so heartbroken and could not believe what had happened.

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