
Got written up for requesting pto too many times? (Requested twice)

I work at a small non profit in MN and this week I had to request pto twice without two week notice in one week because of some personal stuff. I also have completed all my work for the week so I would have nothing to do the day I requested off. I have not put in a pto request sense November of last year. The handbook states “excessive pto requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis and maybe subject to disciplinary action including termination.” Excessive is never defined. I also figured if it wasn’t okay they would deny the request or say hey if we approve this we will need to write you up (the whole it never hurts to ask philosophy). They also did this after I requested accommodation for a quieter work place due to construction taking place in the main building where I…

I work at a small non profit in MN and this week I had to request pto twice without two week notice in one week because of some personal stuff. I also have completed all my work for the week so I would have nothing to do the day I requested off. I have not put in a pto request sense November of last year. The handbook states “excessive pto requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis and maybe subject to disciplinary action including termination.” Excessive is never defined. I also figured if it wasn’t okay they would deny the request or say hey if we approve this we will need to write you up (the whole it never hurts to ask philosophy). They also did this after I requested accommodation for a quieter work place due to construction taking place in the main building where I work.

My main question is do they have to define excessive? I tried calling the dept of labor but the rep didn’t quite understand what I meant.

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