
Got wrote up for ‘quiet quitting’

Divisional head from UK came to visit our office in India. I already work just above average as there’s a 2% difference between my bonus and the one who slogs. As usual, everyone was busy flattering him and he was going talking to the teams one by one. I was asked why I don’t know what other teams are doing and not keenly helping them. I said I am not paid enough for it and work well in my team. I was called into a meeting and got into an arguement with our local team manager and partner. They were flabbergasted that someone replied in negative to the divisional head. Anyway, I was put on PNP and mandatory ‘sensitivity’ training. Little do they known I have other offer lined up. I will remain non-compliant to the end. PS: The company is among Fortune 200.

Divisional head from UK came to visit our office in India. I already work just above average as there’s a 2% difference between my bonus and the one who slogs. As usual, everyone was busy flattering him and he was going talking to the teams one by one. I was asked why I don’t know what other teams are doing and not keenly helping them. I said I am not paid enough for it and work well in my team. I was called into a meeting and got into an arguement with our local team manager and partner. They were flabbergasted that someone replied in negative to the divisional head. Anyway, I was put on PNP and mandatory ‘sensitivity’ training. Little do they known I have other offer lined up. I will remain non-compliant to the end.

PS: The company is among Fortune 200.

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