
Gotta give props to my wife for her brutal honesty in a job interview. Also equally pleasantly surprised by the response.

So the long of the short of it is, the dental office she’s been with his been rather tumultuous at best but she stuck it out because she really likes her coworkers. They were never really doing well and it looked liked they were struggling to stay afloat. Anyway a hygienist quit and they didn’t want to hire a new one so they laid my wife off (because she’s less certified than the other assistant) because they only needed one assistant. My wife was really happy about it. One thing I have to say about her is she is really upbeat and outgoing, really just a people person. Even many of the most difficult patients this office is had was able to handle them effortlessly and had them leaving the office smiling and giving her high fives and shit. Even having many patients asking about her when they’re scheduled a…

So the long of the short of it is, the dental office she’s been with his been rather tumultuous at best but she stuck it out because she really likes her coworkers. They were never really doing well and it looked liked they were struggling to stay afloat. Anyway a hygienist quit and they didn’t want to hire a new one so they laid my wife off (because she’s less certified than the other assistant) because they only needed one assistant. My wife was really happy about it.

One thing I have to say about her is she is really upbeat and outgoing, really just a people person. Even many of the most difficult patients this office is had was able to handle them effortlessly and had them leaving the office smiling and giving her high fives and shit. Even having many patients asking about her when they’re scheduled a day she’s not in the office.

Anyway so she’s been applying for jobs and found a hopeful candidate. She scoped out their office online and seemed pretty happy with what she saw. And applied for the job.

At her interview yesterday she told them, “I made x and last office and won’t take less than y. I spent so much time at this other office without any raises and dealing with difficult patients for so long made me really want to leave this line of work.” The interviewer’s response was, “That sounds good and money does make everything better!” Which was surprising to me since she described the woman as boomer age.

I kind of winced when she told me what she said but decided it was better she set an expectation rather than fake it. It seemed to go over well so who knows. Maybe she’ll get the job or maybe she blew it, but I have to admire the honesty.

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