
Gratitude towards good people.

I recently posted on here about being laid off and having me and my wife’s health insurance canceled and generally being tossed out by my employer. The outpouring of encouragement, solidarity, understanding and generosity. One redditor in particular offered to help to help us financially. Which quite literally just helped us keep our home. Thanks to everyone for the support. It’s keeping me motivated and hopeful. Next step is getting into this union shop where i will have some protection and job security.

I recently posted on here about being laid off and having me and my wife’s health insurance canceled and generally being tossed out by my employer. The outpouring of encouragement, solidarity, understanding and generosity. One redditor in particular offered to help to help us financially. Which quite literally just helped us keep our home. Thanks to everyone for the support. It’s keeping me motivated and hopeful. Next step is getting into this union shop where i will have some protection and job security.

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