The link starts a few minutes in with how voting laws are intentionally being made to make it difficult but then it gets into real wage comparison from the 70s until today and has a ton of great facts, for example, how there was a study done covering 1200 companies. 600 union and 600 non-union who competed against each other in their industry segments and how the bankruptcy rate between union and non-union were identical. Meaning, whenever you hear something about how companies with unions can't compete, it is bullshit. And how George Washington and Thomas Jefferson wanted to have the government invest in the cod fishing industry and they did a study to find out what would be the best way to do that, and the and was, give the money directly to the workers, not the people who owned the ships.
David Cay Johnston has a several good books about how rich people get rich at our expense. Just google him to find out more. The past 6 years he has been on a big Trump is a criminal kick. Not to say he can't back it up, but I just think Trump is a distraction for someone like David who is one of the few people that can break down esoteric laws into understandable and digestible numbers.
If you're not the reading type, there are a ton of videos out there on YouTube. He was talking about how fucked up the rail roads are a decade ago.
Bottom line, citizen's united case was basically the death knell for 90% of the population having political agency. It was bad before, but after that, it's essentially game over.
I think it is great that unions are having a resurgence and the average person is aware of the wealth gap these days, and people across the political spectrum are unhappy with the current system — for good reason. I only wish we build off the unionization momentum and the discontent to somehow make core changes to our political structure. Key concern being regulatory capture through lobbying and monetary “donations,” instead of book-banning-bathroom-outrage-Trump-derangement syndrome-bumper-sticker-brains level of discourse that is leading us to our undoing.