
Guilt is a tool for toxic work environments

Today I successfully put in my notice to a toxic job that was sucking my soul out for over 5 years. When I was losing my nerve to speak to my boss, my friend texted me this: “Trust me guilt is what keeps us at dead end, toxic work environment jobs forever.” They were so right. I had been holding on so long because I felt guilty and responsible to keep steering the ship despite the excessive flooding from the ice berg. My boss tried to guilt me and make me feel bad when I said I was only going to give a month’s notice. No matter what jabs they threw at me for the short notice, it kept ringing in my head that this is how they keep people stuck. I felt pretty bad after the conversation but still sent the letter of resignation with my planned last day.…

Today I successfully put in my notice to a toxic job that was sucking my soul out for over 5 years. When I was losing my nerve to speak to my boss, my friend texted me this:

“Trust me guilt is what keeps us at dead end, toxic work environment jobs forever.”

They were so right. I had been holding on so long because I felt guilty and responsible to keep steering the ship despite the excessive flooding from the ice berg. My boss tried to guilt me and make me feel bad when I said I was only going to give a month’s notice. No matter what jabs they threw at me for the short notice, it kept ringing in my head that this is how they keep people stuck. I felt pretty bad after the conversation but still sent the letter of resignation with my planned last day.

The VP of the agency (who is also quitting in a month) called me at the end of the day to congratulate me on my next steps and said not to feel guilty because layoffs are coming soon in the agency future. They insinuated that my position likely would have been one on the chopping block. Naturally all guilt was absolved when I hung up the phone.

So this is my PSA for anyone feeling guilty about “weathering the storm” and “taking one for the team”. These places will drop you when the profits dip. Don’t feel guilty for making yourself a priority.

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