
Guys, I need help

I seen a flyer around my college campus about a job for $20 an hour. I decided to apply since i had nothing better to do. The flyer was really vague and i didn’t know what the job was at all, it was said $20, looking for students, no experience needed! It seemed perfect, then i found out it was a sales person job. I though that wasn’t horrible but then during the interview they said we would need our own contacts preferably family. that threw me off. after the interview they hired me. I went to indeed and seen a lot of people are warning other to stay away. A lot of them said they will make you harass every single person in your family. People have also said that the company has taken there contacts and speaks to there family about the job! I’m suppose to be training…

I seen a flyer around my college campus about a job for $20 an hour. I decided to apply since i had nothing better to do. The flyer was really vague and i didn’t know what the job was at all, it was said $20, looking for students, no experience needed! It seemed perfect, then i found out it was a sales person job. I though that wasn’t horrible but then during the interview they said we would need our own contacts preferably family. that threw me off. after the interview they hired me. I went to indeed and seen a lot of people are warning other to stay away. A lot of them said they will make you harass every single person in your family. People have also said that the company has taken there contacts and speaks to there family about the job! I’m suppose to be training in like 2 hours but i’m not going and i don’t know how to go about it. Should i ghost them? or send an email? i don’t even know what i would say.

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