
Had to take time off while recovering

I (F24) got admitted to the hospital about two weeks ago. Because of the nature of my admission, I was required to take a minimum of a month off work for recovering- as I’m a cleaner and can’t do heavy lifting of be around the cleaning products necessary to use. I still have at least two more weeks off to recover and let me say: I can’t remember the last time I LIVED like this. I still wake up in a panic “OH MY GOSH, I’m late for work! My alarm didn’t go off!” But as soon as reality sets in, I can breathe. I lay back down and relax. Most times the pressure of not going into work is enough to make me feel rested enough to start my day early and not hit snooze a bunch. I fill my day with so much more now that I don’t…

I (F24) got admitted to the hospital about two weeks ago. Because of the nature of my admission, I was required to take a minimum of a month off work for recovering- as I’m a cleaner and can’t do heavy lifting of be around the cleaning products necessary to use.
I still have at least two more weeks off to recover and let me say: I can’t remember the last time I LIVED like this. I still wake up in a panic “OH MY GOSH, I’m late for work! My alarm didn’t go off!” But as soon as reality sets in, I can breathe. I lay back down and relax. Most times the pressure of not going into work is enough to make me feel rested enough to start my day early and not hit snooze a bunch. I fill my day with so much more now that I don’t work. I cook at least one meal a day. I go shopping for groceries instead of delivering them. I got a library card and already read 2 books. I’ve been to 5 different park and outdoor trails near my house I’ve never even been to. I fixed a problem my mom and I have been having with T-Mobile. I completed testing and orientation for hospice care at several places. So much more too. Things that I thought didn’t interest me or I didn’t care for suddenly or filling my life with life enjoy all because I have time to dedicate and I’m able prioritize myself. Sad that this will end soon. Sad that I now know it’s possible and it’s fleeting.

I’ll miss this dearly when it’s back to “normal”

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